MEC- Solved Assignments

Ignou MEC SOlved Assignments 2024-25: Scholarly prepared Ignou MEC Assignment (Solved) for MA Economics learners. Each of the MEC Solved Assignments available in Hindi & English Medium with an instant download option.


MEC- Solved Assignments

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Showing all 23 results

MEC Solved Assignments 2024-25: Make your assignment-making efforts easy with these Ignou MEC Assignment Solutions that are available here.

Ignou MA Economics is a 2 years honors degree in Economics, if you are an Ignou learner and searching to Download Ignou MEC Solved Assignments 2024-25 then this is the right website for you.

The assignment work has a significant impact on your final grade card percentage. Hence you all need to give your 100% while preparing MA Economics Assignment Solutions. Best IGNOU MEC Solved Assignments are provided here for your convenience.

List of Subjects- Ignou MEC Assignments Solved (PDF)

M.A. Economics Subject List (According to New Syllabus)
1st Year MEC Assignments (EM) 1st Year MEC Assignments (HM)
MEC-001/101 Micro Economic Analysis MEC 001/101 व्यष्टिगत आर्थिक विश्लेषण
MEC-002 Macro Economic Analysis MEC-002 समष्टिगत आर्थिक विश्लेषण
MEC-103 Quantitative Techniques MEC 103 परिमणात्मक विधियाँ
MEC-004 Economics of Growth & Development MEC 004 संवृद्धि एवं विकास का अर्थशास्त्र
MEC-205 Indian Economic Policy MEC 205 भारतीय अर्थ नीति
Second Year MEC Assignments (EM) Second Year MEC Assignments (HM)
MEC-106 Public Economics MEC-106 लोक अर्थव्यवस्था
MEC-007 International Trade & Finance MEC-007 अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मुद्रा और व्यापार
MEC-108 Economics of Social Sector and Environment MEC-108 सामाजिक एवं पर्यावरणीय अर्थव्यवस्था
MEC-109 Research Methods in Economics MEC-109 अर्थव्यसथा मे अनुसंधान पद्धतियाँ
MECE-001 Econometrics Methods MECE-001 अर्थमिति विधियाँ
MECE-103 Actuarial Economics: Theory & Practice MECE-103 बीमांकिक अर्थशास्त्र: सिद्धान्त एवं व्यवहार
MECE-004 Financial Inst. and Markets MECE-004 वित्तीय संस्थान एवं बाजार